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our why

Since the time I began practicing Jiu Jitsu I have had countless injuries ranging from sprained fingers to torn knee ligaments to ruptured tendons requiring surgery. Some of these injuries were unavoidable. Others may have been exacerbated due to downplaying their severity: “Oh, it’s not that serious”, “It will get better over time”, “I’ll just tape it up or wear a brace”, or “I’ll just work around it”. This is the exact mindset that causes small, minor pains to become chronic injuries that never truly go away.


The amount of time these injuries have caused me to miss from training have added up to months, even years! Time away from the mat performing physical therapy on an injury can be downright lonely, and its effects can be more than just physical. Other issues manifest as well: social withdrawal, depression, lack of self-confidence, decreased motivation, pessimistic thoughts, and negative mental health.     

Athletes will end up changing their entire style, avoiding certain positions all together, or even quitting the sport entirely before seeking help. The long road to reaching your goal, whether it’s training for basic self-defense or attaining your black belt, is not going to be easy. There will be hardships and injuries! But overcoming those hardships and treating those injuries will make your journey a lot more enjoyable and, in the end, allow you to accomplish your long term goals! 


Nobody wants to finally get their black belt only to be so injury laden that they can no longer grip a gi lapel properly or roll for more than one round. Get to where you want to be and get there healthy and happy!



Find the source of pain.


Relieve the pain.


Fix underlying cause.


Keep it from coming back.


"I am a professional dancer and I would have no idea what I'd do without Taylor. He not only helps my pain go away but gives great feedback and advice which allows me to dance pain free. He always provides the best tips to properly warm up and cool down before and after shows. Taylor will adjust, cup, scrape, and dry needle whatever I am needing the day of visit which is amazing as I experience pain/discomfort/tightness in different spots every visit. He is super flexible with me and my schedule as well! I always leave feeling amazing and ready for a show."

sammy soto

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